Cash For Your Car In Honolulu
Getting cash for your car in Honolulu is really easier than you think. Whether you’re in the military and are being deployed or are a civilian who simply needs a little extra money to pay some bills or to spend frivolously, CarMark Hawaii makes transforming your used truck, car, or SUV into cash a painless and simple process.
When you’re ready to sell a used vehicle, you want to do it now – not in two weeks, a month, or even longer. Dealing with individuals can leave you frustrated; traditional car dealers will “haggle” with you, and in the end, probably won’t buy your used car outright, but want you to trade it in on a newer model. We understand that you simply want cash for your car and that you aren’t looking for a newer vehicle which usually comes with a monthly car note.
The process of selling your used car for cash is simple, and in most cases, you can walk away with money the same day you bring your vehicle in! Even if it’s not paid for, chances are we can work with you. We have a few rules when it comes to getting cash for your car, but they’re straightforward and simple:
- The vehicle should have a straight frame with no structural damage
- No salvage titles
- Year model 2011 or newer
- Mileage of 100,000 or less
If you have a free and clear title, we will hand overpayment for your car, truck, or SUV the same day you bring it in. It doesn’t get much easier than this!
At CarMark Hawaii, we know that people have their own reasons for exchanging a vehicle for cash, and that’s the business we’re in. We won’t try to sell you a new car, all we do is help those in the Honolulu area who need cash in a hurry. We’ve been in the business for nearly a quarter of a century, so you can trust us for secure, convenient, quick service. Come by today!