If you’re a smoker and are thinking about selling your used car for cash in Honolulu, you may be wondering if it’s possible to get rid of the cigarette smoke odor. Regardless of whether you intend to sell your vehicle privately or to a company that buys used cars for cash such as CarMark, you know it might sell quicker if it smells fresh.
It may be possible to completely eliminate the smell, or a slight odor could linger depending on the amount of work you do. We have a few tips to help you with the smoke odor eliminator.
First, get everything out of your car. Whether it’s CDs, clothes, or fast food bags, get every last thing out of the vehicle so you can thoroughly clean it.
Now you’re ready to vacuum. Be sure to get every inch of the seats, upholstery, carpet, floor mats, etc. All surfaces should be vacuumed thoroughly!
Take out the floor mats and wash them down with a water hose and dish soap, rinsing until the water runs clear. Allow them to dry outdoors, the fresh air will further freshen them up.
If the upholstery is cloth, clean it with a good upholstery cleaner – be sure to clean every inch.
Now it’s time to clean the inside. For windows, door panels, the dash, console, steering wheel and all surfaces you can scrub, a mix of one part white vinegar to one part water works well. The vinegar also helps get rid of the odor. Mix in a spray bottle and use microfiber cloths to deep clean.
Once you’ve thoroughly cleaned the inside of your vehicle it’s time to bring in some fresh air and ventilate.
Roll all of the windows down, then start your car. Spray all of the vents with a smoke odor eliminator neutralizer, then turn the A/C on to the lowest setting with the fan set to high. After a few minutes, switch it over to the heat setting and do the same thing. This helps bring in the fresh outside air and blows the vents out. Repeat both steps and you’re done!
It’s a lot of work, but well worth the effort when you want to sell your car, truck, SUV or van for cash as quickly as possible.
At CarMark Hawaii we buy used cars for cash in Honolulu, giving you the best deal for your used vehicle. Fill out our online appraisal form today and let’s get the ball rolling!