High Mileage Car? Sell It To Us For Cash! A car is considered "high mileage" once it reaches 75,000 miles. When you want to sell your used car for cash in Honolulu and get the best price, it's important to care for it properly - and this includes having the oil changed when it's time, along with using good engine oil. What are the best for high mileage cars? Mobile Super High Mileage and … [Read more...]
We Buy Used Cars In Honolulu – Our Customer Reviews Say It All!
We Buy Used Cars - Check Our Customer Reviews! At CarMark Hawaii we buy cars for cash in Honolulu. For over 25 years we have helped customers at our location in Aiea who want to sell a car, truck, SUV, or van for cash for whatever reason. Some are men and women of the military who are deploying, others have moved away from the island and needed to sell, and some simply needed cash in a … [Read more...]