To Lease or Buy A New Vehicle There are many misconceptions on whether you should Lease or Purchase your next New Vehicle. Well, I’m here to tell you that with the high rate of depreciation combined with the high cost of vehicles today, leasing may very well be the way to go. Let me explain why. When you lease a vehicle the bank or captive lender offers you options at the end of the contract, … [Read more...]
Most Popular Car Brands In Hawaii For 2014
According to a recent article at Biz Journals, more people are buying new cars in Hawaii if the number of new vehicle registrations are any indication. During the first half of this year, new registrations increased by 12%. New vehicle registrations increased in the first two quarters of this year to 26,922, up from 23,968 over the same time period in 2013. What are the most popular car … [Read more...]
Driving In Honolulu – Tesla Unveils AWD Model S Sedan
Just about a week and a half ago, Tesla Motors revealed their Model S electric car has undergone a couple of changes. First, the luxury sedan will have an all-wheel-drive version; second, an autopilot feature will make it possible for the sedan to park itself! Pretty amazing what manufacturers can make cars do these days. Many models can even parallel park themselves these days, a feat that, … [Read more...]