Buying a Car to Build Credit Score Buying a new car can be a great way to boost your credit score. It shows the lender that you're financially responsible by using the money you put up as collateral to secure the loan. Moreover, it also shows the lender that you can meet your financial obligations, as the money you put up as collateral is returned to you at the end of the loan. Of course, you'll … [Read more...]
Oahu Used Car Buyers – KBB’s Cheap but ‘Cool’ Cars
Kelley Blue Book always has all kinds of reviews, news, and top 10 lists. We know that most teens and twenty-somethings (and even many thirty- and forty-somethings) would love to have a "cool" car, but most of them seem a bit out of reach in terms of price. In 2015, KBB released their opinion of the 10 coolest cars that cost less than $18,000 as of May, but what were they? Check out their … [Read more...]
Car Reviews – Winners of the 2016 Green Car Awards
"Green" is becoming a concept that grows more important every day, as people build homes that are eco-friendly, try to live in a way that's less harmful to the environment, and businesses determine ways to reduce their carbon footprints. The auto industry is no exception, and recently several vehicle were awarded with distinct honors as winners of the prestigious 2016 Green Car Awards. We buy … [Read more...]
Used Car Buyers – Top Safe, Affordable Used Cars For Teens
Whether they're 16, 18, or older, getting their first vehicle is one of the most exciting times in a teen's life. If you're the parent footing the bill, or your teen will pay for the car but you're trying to find one that's both affordable and reliable, there are some very good options. At CarMark Hawaii, we buy used cars for cash, so we know what's in demand. However, we thought teens and … [Read more...]
Car Reviews 2015 – Some Cars Aren’t Competitive
Recently, (on April Fool's Day, in fact) Consumer Reports published an article about some of the vehicles consumers would be "foolish" to buy, for reasons such as reliability, owner satisfaction, price, value, gas mileage, and other factors. At CarMark Hawaii, our business is buying used cars for cash in Honolulu. While we're certainly not a car dealership, we thought readers might be interested … [Read more...]
Oahu Used Car Buyers – Top Cool, Affordable Cars for Teens
Teenagers getting their first cars are understandably excited - it's a big step toward freedom, but it can also be a stressful (not to mention expensive) step for parents. Whether you're getting your first vehicle for your 18th birthday, or are a college student who's striking out on your own, there are several 'cool' and affordable options available today that, while fun and appealing in … [Read more...]
Honolulu Used Car Buyers – 10 Trucks for Best Gas Mileage
At CarMark Hawaii, our business is buying used cars. When you're looking to sell your car in Honolulu for cash, you can count on our team of professionals for a pleasant, efficient experience. As Honolulu used car buyers, We thought some of you who prefer pick-up trucks may be interested to learn which trucks offer the best gas mileage. We've compiled a list below of the top 10 according to … [Read more...]
Hawaii Car Reviews – 2015 Ford Fusion or Hyundai Elantra?
At CarMark Hawaii, we buy used cars for cash, including Hyundais and Fords. If you're in the market to sell your car in Honolulu and get some much-needed cash on the spot, count on our team of professionals for unmatched service and a stress-free experience! Because we deal with vehicles day in and day out, we thought it would be interesting to compare the 2015 Ford Fusion and Hyundai Elantra, … [Read more...]